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Hi there, welcome to Toomey’s Rock & Roll side. My involvement in the music scene has come from several avenues.  I have been working for several years now as a writer, publicist, and soundman.

In the 1980s, I worked as a publicist with Cats on Holiday, a regional touring act based in Springfield, Illinois.  The band performed a variety of rock tunes from the Talking Heads to Billy Joel, along with many original pop tunes. I was in charge of all aspects of promotion from the handbills to t-shirts and records.

I also worked with devoid (later known as Usual Suspects), a band that performed 60s and some modern tunes. With them, I did the sound and booked the band.

Over the years I have provided sound reinforcement for many bands from rock to jazz. I own a small PA system.

Toomey’s PA:

700 watt bi-amped system with low-end scoop cabinets and full-range cabinets. Both high- and low-end are JBL loaded. 12-channel Peavey mixing console, 2-way monitor system, a small amount of outboard gear for EQ and effects.

Ice Capades

I have also worked with the Ice Capades as a costumed character in the photo opportunity concession. I was Dino one year and Bart Simpson in another year. That was fun. Although my wallet and credit cards were stolen from the dressing room at the Arena in St. Louis, I still consider the time with the Ice Capades an enjoyable one. I met many wonderful friends on the tours from the various companies.


As you will find out if you continue to cruise the web site, I enjoy writing on and reviewing music and bands. Click on.

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Music Vitae

Festival International de Jazz de Montréal

Montreux Jazz Festival

Longer Version
Background Music: Crazy Train by Ozzy Osborne

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Last Updated  August 24, 2003
August 26, 2004
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